Gina was born on September 18, 1950 and in the early morning of September 14, 2018, she left this world to continue her journey as an angel. At this precise moment, as this tribute is being written, there is a rainbow outside. I read somewhere that rainbows hold Angel colours, so I couldnt help but smile. When you ask someone what colour best represents Gina, most people would say the colour RED. Mostly because of her vibrant red hair and because Red is the colour of extremes. It is the colour of passionate love, adventure, determination, perseverance and grit- all of which truly epitomizes Ginas personality. But then if you look at the other colours of the rainbow, you see: Orange: the colour of freedom and expression. Yellow: which symbolizes attention and care. Green: represents growth. Blue: signifies truth and heaven (sea and sky). Indigo: considered to be a dramatic colour and when shared with Blue, can help to achieve acceptance. Violet: describes the unconventional, the ambiguous. Gina lived a life of all these colours. From its lightest form all the way to the intensity of the darkest shade. She was not one to conform to what is generally done and she lived her life with passion for what she believed in. Gina had a heart big enough to forgive, to endure and mostly to love. And love she did. Ginas true blessing in her life is the gift of family: her children Reggie, Jewel (Rob), Matt and the one that encompasses her rainbow- her only grandchild, Rachel. The family would like to thank the staff of the Foothills Medical Centre and wish to extend extra heart felt appreciation to the wonderful souls at the South Health Campus. From the doctors, nurses, aides, nutrition and maintenance staff- all of you were monumental in providing care and comfort not only for Gina but for her family that stayed by her side. We are in gratitude to Sheri, Maryann and Bobbi for your years of friendship. And we feel blessed to have had Carrie by Ginas side. For being the voice for Gina when she could no longer speak. And the clarity she needed to help find peace. Rainbows represent hope and rebirth and they are a sign that “we are not forgotten.” Gina… know that you will never be forgotten and will forever and always be in our hearts.
Funeral Home:
Pierson’s Forest Lawn Chapel
4121 – 17 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
CA T2A 0T1